冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1051期:第四十九章 艾莉亚(19)(在线收听

   He looked straight at Sansa then, and smiled, and for a moment Arya thought that the gods had heard her prayer, 说完,他直直地盯着珊莎,面露微笑,一时间,艾莉亚以为天上诸神当真听见了她的祈祷,

  until Joffrey turned back to the crowd and said, "But they have the soft hearts of women. 但乔佛里随即转身面对群众,“那是她们软弱的妇女心肠使然。
  So long as I am your king, treason shall never go unpunished. Sir Ilyn, bring me his head!" 只要我一日为王,叛国之罪必将严惩!伊林爵士,给我砍下他的头!”
  The crowd roared, and Arya felt the statue of Baelor rock as they surged against it. 群众哗然。他们纷纷向前推挤,艾莉亚只觉贝勒的雕像也跟着摇晃。
  The High Septon clutched at the king's cape, and Varys came rushing over waving his arms, 总主教抓住国王的披风,瓦里斯则冲上前来指手画脚,
  and even the queen was saying something to him, but Joffrey shook his head. 就连王后都对他说着些什么,但乔佛里只摇摇头。
  Lords and knights moved aside as he stepped through, tall and fleshless, a skeleton in iron mail, the King's Justice. 贵族和骑士让开一条路,“他”走了出来。御前执法官伊林·派恩爵士,身躯高大,骨瘦如柴,活像一具穿着铁甲的骷髅。
  Dimly, as if from far off, Arya heard her sister scream. 艾莉亚隐约听到姐姐的尖叫,从遥远的地方传来。
  Sansa had fallen to her knees, sobbing hysterically. 珊莎双膝一跪,歇斯底里地啜泣。
  Sir Ilyn Payne climbed the steps of the pulpit. 伊林爵士爬上讲坛的阶梯。
  Arya wriggled between Baelor's feet and threw herself into the crowd, drawing Needle. 艾莉亚从贝勒的双脚间扭出身子,握着缝衣针,跳进人群。
  She landed on a man in a butcher's apron, knocking him to the ground. 她正跳到一个穿屠夫围裙的人身上,把那人撞倒在地,
  Immediately someone slammed into her back and she almost went down herself. 但立刻就有人轰然撞上她的背,害她也险些跟着摔倒。
  Bodies closed in around her, stumbling and pushing, trampling on the poor butcher. 四周都是身躯,跌跌撞撞,相互推挤,把可怜的屠夫踩在脚下。
  Arya slashed at them with Needle. 艾莉亚拿起缝衣针朝他们挥砍。