中英双语新闻 孟加拉最大宗教党派领导人被判死刑(在线收听

The Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has told the BBC she is the innocent victim of efforts to unseat her a week before the senate votes on whether to hold an impeachment trial. Ms. Rousseff said she intended to keep fighting her job even she is suspected from office. We're going to resist, resist and resist again. My supporters and I, we believe the impeachment process is illegitimate and illegal, based on a lie. Ms. Rousseff denies allegations that she illegally concealed the size of budget deficit ahead of her reelection in 2014. BBC's Daniel Gallas who's based in Sao Paulo says her situation is precarious. The senators in the opposition, they simply need a simple majority to get President Dilma Rousseff suspended from office. If that happens, she'd be suspended for about 6 months and there would be a trial.She would have a chance of coming back later in the year, but she would also face the serious prospects of being permanently removed from power right now. Things are not looking good for her.

The head of Bangladesh's largest Islamist party has lost a final appeal against the death penalty. Motiur Rahman Nizami was convicted for his role in crimes including genocide, murder, torture and rape 45 years ago. From Dhaka, Sanjoy Majumder reports. Security has been tightened across Bangladesh as the Supreme Court upheld a sentence handed out to Motiur Rahman Nizami, head of the powerful Jamaat-e-Islami Party and a former government minister. He was convicted of setting up militia which killed leading intellectuals including writers and academics during the country's war of independence against Pakistan. Unless he appeals for clemency from the President which is unlikely to be granted, he could be hanged in days. The Jamaat, Bangladesh's largest Islamist party, has said it would carry out street protest against the decision.

A massive wild fire which has prompted a state of emergency in the Canadian province of Alberta is continuing to spread. 1600 homes and other buildings in Fort McMurray have been destroyed. One police officer estimated that half the city had been lost to the flames.

A court in the Indian city of Mumbai has sentenced four men to life imprisonment after finding them guilty of a double murder four years ago. The two victims were stabbed as they tried to protect their female friends. Our South Asia editor Jill McGivering reports. In October 2011, Keenan Santos and Reuben Fernandez, friends in their early 20s were out in Mumbai with female friends when some young men started to harass the women. When Santos and Fernandez intervened to stop them, the young men retreated, but soon came back with others and attacked the two friends stabbing them many times. Both died of their injuries. The victims were hailed as heroes because they were killed for trying to do the right thing. World news from the BBC.

Russian media say the renowned conductor Valery Gergiev will perform in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra today which was recaptured last month from the Islamic state group. The Russian news channel Rossiya 24 said it would broadcast the event live from the Roman Theater in the city.

The Australian government says the country's most dangerous Islamic state militant has been killed in Iraq. Neil Prakash, also known as Abu Khaledal-Cambod, was a key target in the US airstrike in Mosul on Friday. George Brandis is Australia's Attorney General. Prakash was a very important high value target. He was the most dangerous Australian involved with ISIL in the Middle East. He was actively involved both in recruitment and encouraging domestic terrorist events in Australia. He was the principal Australian reaching back from the Middle East into Australia and in particular into terrorist networks in both Melbourne and Sydney.

A Philippine senator has filed an official corruption complaint against the front-runner in next week's presidential election. Senator Antonio Trillanes accuses of Rodrigo Duterte of enriching himself from the salaries of more than 11,000 so called ghost employees in the city where Mr. Duterte serves as mayor.The presidential hopeful denies any wrongdoing.

Two members of Sri Lanka's parliament have been suspended for a week after a brawl during proceedings on Tuesday. The politicians were held responsible for the violence. The fighting broke out after the government announced plans to withdraw army security from the country's former president Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Hong Kong police say they raided a beauty salon and arrested 11 women after customers accused it of offering fraudulent medical treatments. The police say seven people spent more than 600,000 US dollars between them on treatments. BBC world service news.





据俄罗斯媒体报道,著名音乐指挥瓦列里·捷吉耶夫将于今天在古城巴尔米拉演奏,上个月,叙政府军将巴尔米拉从“伊斯兰国”手中夺回。俄罗斯电视台Rossiya 24表示,他们将在巴尔米拉罗马剧场进行现场直播。

据澳大利亚政府表示,澳洲头号恐怖分子在伊拉克被杀。周五,美军对摩苏尔进行空袭,而尼尔·普拉卡什是美军的主要空袭目标,人们也将他称之为“Abu Khaledal-Cambod”。请听澳洲检察长乔治·布兰迪斯的讲话。普拉卡什是主要袭击对象。也是澳洲头号通缉犯,曾参与中东“伊斯兰国”恐怖活动。除了是“圣战”招募员,他还鼓励国内恐怖分子在国内制造恐怖事件。他是连通中东和澳洲的主要人物,特别是连通墨尔本和悉尼恐怖网。



