与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第27期:莫奈(在线收听

   Monet 莫奈

  Are you familiar with Monet? 你熟悉莫奈吗?
  Monet was a very famous artist and a lot of people know about him. 莫奈是位闻名遐迩的艺术家。
  There are some interesting facts about him. 有一些关于他的趣闻。
  Let's find out what they are. 我们一起了解一下吧。
  Claude Monet was the first impressionist. 克劳德·莫奈是印象派的开山鼻祖。
  Impressionists are French artists who lived in 19th century. 印象派画家是指生活在19世纪的法国艺术家。
  And they love sunlight. 他们热爱阳光。
  They believed sunlight change (the) look of objects. 他们认为阳光改变物体的外观。
  What did Monet draw? 莫奈会画什么?
  Monet love to draw nature. 莫奈喜欢画自然。
  He sometimes sat by a window all day long and he draw the same scenery over and over again. 他有时终日坐在窗前反复画同一风景。