老外最常用的英文短语 第748期:lose track of(在线收听

   lose track of 联系中断,错过

  I guess I lost track of everybody after high school. 我猜自从高中毕业之后,我基本上失去了和所有人的联系。
  I lost track of you, but I always heard about you. 我虽然和你失去了联系,不过经常会听到你的事情。
  Yeah. I guess I lost track of time. 恩,我猜我把时间给忘了。
  I lost touch with many of my old friends. 我和我的很多老朋友们失去了联系。
  Where are all of your elementary school friends? 你所有小学同学都在哪?
  I've lost track of most of them over the years. 我好几年都没跟他们取得联系了。