冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1119期:第五十三章 提利昂(11)(在线收听

   "Jaime has left us in a bad way. “詹姆留给我们一个烂摊子。

  Roose Bolton and the remnants of his host are north of us. 卢斯·波顿及其残部在我们北方,
  Our enemies hold the Twins and Moat Cailin. 我们的敌人还握有孪河城和卡林湾;
  Robb Stark sits to the west, so we cannot retreat to Lannisport and the Rock unless we choose to give battle. 另一方面,罗柏·史塔克坐镇西边,除非开战,我们无法退回兰尼斯特港和凯岩城。
  Jaime is taken, and his army for all purposes has ceased to exist. 詹姆既已被捕,他的军队便也不复存在,
  Thoros of Myr and Beric Dondarrion continue to plague our foraging parties. 密尔的索罗斯和贝里·唐德利恩将继续骚扰我们的征粮部队。
  To our east we have the Arryns, Stannis Baratheon sits on Dragonstone, and in the south Highgarden and Storm's End are calling their banners." 往更远的方面看,东有艾林家族和盘据龙石岛的史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩,南边的高庭和风息堡也已经整兵待发。”
  Tyrion smiled crookedly. "Take heart, Father. At least Rhaegar Targaryen is still dead." 提利昂狡猾地笑了笑。“父亲,别担心,至少雷加·坦格利安还没死而复生。”
  I had hoped you might have more to offer us than japes, Tyrion, Lord Tywin Lannister said. “提利昂,我希望你能提供一点有用的建议,不要只要嘴皮子。”泰温·兰尼斯特公爵说。
  Sir Kevan frowned over the map, forehead creasing. 凯冯爵士看着地图皱眉,额头又挤成条条深缝。
  "Robb Stark will have Edmure Tully and the lords of the Trident with him now. “眼下罗柏·史塔克得到艾德慕·徒利和三河诸侯的支持,
  Their combined power may exceed our own. 他们的总兵力超过了我军,
  And with Roose Bolton behind us... Tywin, if we remain here, I fear we might be caught between three armies." 我们后方还有卢斯。波顿……泰温,留在这里,只怕会被三面夹击。”
  I have no intention of remaining here. “我不打算留在这里。
  We must finish our business with young Lord Stark before Renly Baratheon can march from Highgarden. 我们得在蓝礼从高庭出兵前解决掉小史塔克公爵。
  Bolton does not concern me. 波顿那边我不担心,
  He is a wary man, and we made him warier on the Green Fork. 他是个谨慎的人,想必绿叉河之战只会使他更谨慎,
  He will be slow to give pursuit. 因此他的追击不会很快。