冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1124期:第五十四章 琼恩(1)(在线收听

   Jon. The mare whickered softly as Jon Snow tightened the cinch. 琼恩。琼恩·雪诺扎紧马鞍上的皮带,母马则轻声嘶叫。

  "Easy, sweet lady," he said in a soft voice, quieting her with a touch. “好女孩,别怕,”他轻声安抚它。
  Wind whispered through the stable, a cold dead breath on his face, but Jon paid it no mind. 寒风在马厩间细语,宛如迎面袭击来的冰冷死气,但琼恩未加理会。
  He strapped his roll to the saddle, his scarred fingers stiff and clumsy. 他把铺盖捆上马鞍,结疤的手指僵硬而笨拙。
  "Ghost," he called softly, "to me." “白灵,”他轻声呼唤,“过来。”
  And the wolf was there, eyes like embers. 狼立刻出现,双眼如两团火烬。
  Jon, please. You must not do this. “琼恩,求求你,别这样。”
  He mounted, the reins in his hand, and wheeled the horse around to face the night. 他骑上马,握紧缰绳,策马转头,面对黑夜。
  Samwell Tarly stood in the stable door, a full moon peering over his shoulder. 山姆威尔·塔利站在马厩门口,一轮满月从他肩膀后照进,
  He threw a giant's shadow, immense and black. 洒下一道巨人般的影子,硕大而黑暗。
  "Get out of my way, Sam." “山姆,别挡道。”
  Jon, you can't, Sam said. "I won't let you." “琼恩,你不能这样一走了之,”山姆说,“我不会放你走。”
  I would sooner not hurt you, Jon told him. "Move aside, Sam, or I'll ride you down." “我不想伤害你,”琼恩告诉他,“山姆,你走开,不然我就踩过去。”
  You won't. You have to listen to me. Please... “你不会的。听我说,求求你……”
  Jon put his spurs to horseflesh, and the mare bolted for the door. 琼恩双脚一踢,母马立即朝门飞奔而去。
  For an instant Sam stood his ground, his face as round and pale as the moon behind him, his mouth a widening O of surprise. 刹那间,山姆站在原地,脸庞如同身后那轮满月般又圆又白,嘴巴惊讶地张成一个大圆。
  At the last moment, when they were almost on him, he jumped aside as Jon had known he would, stumbled, and fell. 就在人马即将撞上的最后一刻,他跳了开去,并如琼恩所预料地,步履踉跄,跌倒在地。
  The mare leapt over him, out into the night. 母马跳过他,冲进黑夜。