乔布斯传 第393期:阿梅里奥出局(14)(在线收听

   The old board met in late July to ratify the transition. 原董事会在7月底开会,批准换届。

  Woolard, who was as genteel as Jobs was prickly, was mildly taken aback when Jobs appeared dressed in jeans and sneakers, 绅士风范的伍拉德看到乔布斯穿着牛仔裤运动鞋来参加会议,不禁略为吃惊,
  and he worried that Jobs might start berating the veteran board members for screwing up. 而他担心乔布斯会责怪原董事会成员把事情搞砸了。
  But Jobs merely offered a pleasant "Hi, everyone." 但是乔布斯只愉快地说了声“嗨,大家好”。
  They got down to the business of voting to accept the resignations, 他们就开始投票接受辞职,
  elect Jobs to the board, and empower Woolard and Jobs to find new board members. 把乔布斯选入董事会,还授权伍拉德和乔布斯寻找新的董事会成员。
  Jobs's first recruit was, not surprisingly, Larry Ellison. 不出所料,乔布斯的第一个人选是拉里·埃利森。
  He said he would be pleased to join, but he hated attending meetings. 埃利森说他愿意加入,但他讨厌参加会议。
  Jobs said it would be fine if he came to only half of them.  乔布斯说他只要来参加一半的会议就行。
  After a while Ellison was coming to only a third of the meetings. 过了一阵子,埃利森就只参加1/3的会议了。
  Jobs took a picture of him that had appeared on the cover of Business Week 乔布斯找来一张埃利森被《商业周刊》登在封面的照片,
  and had it blown up to life size and pasted on a cardboard cutout to put in his chair. 放大到真人大小,贴在一块硬纸板上,放在他的椅子上。