美国语文第二册 第16期:必胜鸟(在线收听

 LESSON 18 第18课

berries  浆果
robin  知更鸟
short  短
rid  去掉,摆脱
dart 飞奔
sharp  尖锐
worms 蠕虫 
strikes  罢工
eagle  老鹰
king 国王
foe  敌人
fails  失败
hawk  鹰
active 积极
The kingbird is not bigger than a robin. 这只必胜鸟比知更鸟小。
He eats flies, and worms, and bugs, and berries. 它吃苍蝇、蚯蚓、昆虫和浆果。
He builds his nest in a tree, near some house. 它在一些房子附近的树上搭建自己的巢。
When there are young ones in the nest, he sits on the top of a tree near them. 当鸟宝宝留在巢里时,它就坐在靠近它们的树枝上。
He watches to see that no bird comes to hurt them or their mother. 它在观察有没有其他鸟来伤害它们和它们的妈妈。
If a hawk, a crow, or even an eagle comes near, he makes a dash at it. 如果一只隼、一只乌鸦,甚至一只老鹰靠近,它都会猛扑过去。
Though he is so small, he is brave, and he is also very active. 虽然它很小,但它很勇敢,也很活跃。
He never fails to drive off other birds from his nest. 它总是在窝的周围驱散其他鸟,从没有失手过。
He flies around and around the eagle, and suddenly strikes him with his sharp bill. 它一圈又一圈地围着老鹰飞,然后突然用锋利的嘴去啄它。
He strikes at his eye, and then darts away before the eagle can catch him. 它啄老鹰的眼睛,然后在老鹰抓到它之前迅速跑掉。
Or he strikes from behind, and is off again before the eagle can turn round. 或者从老鹰的后面袭击,然后在老鹰转身之前跑掉。
In a short time, the great eagle is tired of such hard blows, and flies away. He is very glad to get rid of his foe. 不久,老鹰不堪忍受如此厉害的攻击,飞走了。它则很高兴摆脱了敌人的纠缠。
Is not the little fellow a brave bird? 这个小家伙难道不是一只勇敢的鸟吗?
Because he can drive off all other birds, he is called the KINGBIRD 它可以打败所有其他鸟,因此被称作“必胜鸟”。