美国语文第三册 第39期:一天(在线收听

   This is the way the morning dawns: 清晨如此到来:

  Rosy tints on flowers and trees, 花草树木披上玫瑰色的霞光,
  Winds that wake the birds and bees, 风儿唤醒了小鸟和蜜蜂,
  Dewdrops on the fields and lawns 露珠凝结在田野和草地上
  This is the way the morning dawns. 黎明这样到来。
  This is the way the sun comes up: 太阳如此升起来:
  Gold on brook and glossy leaves, 小溪和绿叶蒙上金色,
  Mist that melts above the sheaves, 层层薄雾渐渐上升,
  Vine, and rose, and buttercup 藤蔓、玫瑰花和毛茛露出真容
  This is the way the sun comes up. 太阳这样升起。
  This is the way the river flows: 河水如此流淌:
  Here a whirl, and there a dance; 这里一个漩涡,那里一个跳跃,
  Slowly now, then, like a lance, 一会舒缓下来,就像一支长矛,
  Swiftly to the sea it goes 快速流入大海
  This is the way the river flows. 河水就这样流淌。
  This is the way the rain comes down: 雨水如此掉落下来:
  Tinkle, tinkle, drop by drop, 叮当,叮当,一滴一滴
  Over roof and chimney top; 掉到屋顶和烟囱帽上,
  Boughs that bend, and skies that frown 树枝弯下了腰,天空皱起了眉
  This is the way the rain comes down. 雨水就这样滴落。
  This is the way the birdie sings: 小鸟如此歌唱:
  Baby birdies in the nest, 巢里的鸟宝宝,
  You I surely love the best; 无疑是我的最爱;
  Over you I fold my wings 用我的翅膀拥抱你
  This is the way the birdie sings. 小鸟这样吟唱。
  This is the way the daylight dies: 日光如此消失下去:
  Cows are lowing in the lane, 牛群在小路上哞哞叫着,
  Fireflies wink on hill and plain; 星星之火在山丘和平原上闪烁;
  Yellow, red, and purple skies 黄色、红色和紫色渲染的天空
  This is the way the daylight dies. 日光这样渐逝。