美国语文第三册 第60期:什么时候说不(在线收听

   Though "No" is a very little word, it is not always easy to say it; and the not doing so, often causes trouble. 虽然“不”是个非常简单的词语,可是要说出来并不总是容易的;而不把它说出来,常常会引来麻烦。

  When we are asked to stay away from school, and spend in idleness or mischief the time which ought to be spent in study, we should at once say "No." 如果有人叫我们逃学,懒散度日或者把应该用于学习的时间用来调皮捣蛋,我们应该马上说“不”。
  When we are urged to loiter on our way to school, and thus be late, and interrupt our teacher and the school, we should say "No." 当有人怂恿我们在上学的路上消磨时间,从而迟到、打断老师上课或者学校的活动,我们应该说“不”。
  When some schoolmate wishes us to whisper or play in the schoolroom, we should say "No." 当有的同学想要我们在教室里交头接耳或玩耍,我们应该说“不”。
  When we are tempted to use angry or wicked words, we should remember that the eye of God is always upon us, and should say "No." 当我们受到诱惑,想要使用愤怒或邪恶的言语时,我们应该记住上帝的眼睛无时无刻不在注视着我们,我们应该说“不”。
  When we have done anything wrong, and are tempted to conceal it by falsehood, we should say "No, we can not tell a lie; it is wicked and cowardly." 当我们做了错事,却想要用谎话来掩饰时,我们应该说“不,我们不能说谎,那是邪恶而懦弱的行为。”
  If we are asked to do anything which we know to be wrong, we should not fear to say "No." 要是有人要求我们做任何我们知道是错的事情,我们应该勇敢无畏地说“不”。
  If we thus learn to say "No," we shall avoid much trouble,and be always safe. 如果我们就此学会说“不”,我们将会避免许多麻烦,长享平安。