冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1134期:第五十四章 琼恩(11)(在线收听

   I would not. Grenn sounded peeved. "I'd just ride south, you can tell south by the stars." “我才不会,”葛兰听起来很气愤。“我会往南骑,看星星就知道哪边是南方。”

  What if the sky was cloudy? Pyp asked. “要是被云遮住呢?”派普问。
  Then I wouldn't go. “那我就不走。”
  Another voice broke in. "You know where I'd be if it was me? I'd be in Mole's Town, digging for buried treasure." 又一个声音插进来。“换作是我,你们知道我会怎么做?我会直接去鼹鼠村挖宝。”
  Toad's shrill laughter boomed through the trees. Jon's mare snorted. 陶德尖锐的笑声在林间回响,琼恩的母马哼了一声。
  Keep quiet, all of you, Haider said. "I thought I heard something." “你们通通给我闭嘴,”霍德说,“我好像听到了什么。”
  Where? I didn't hear anything. The horses stopped. “在哪儿?我啥都没听见。”蹄声停止。
  You can't hear yourself fart. “你连自己放屁都听不见。”
  I can too, Grenn insisted. Quiet! “我听得见啦。”葛兰坚持。“闭嘴!”
  They all fell silent, listening. Jon found himself holding his breath. 于是他们都安静下来,凝神倾听。琼恩不自觉地屏住呼吸。
  Sam, he thought. He hadn't gone to the Old Bear, but he hadn't gone to bed either, he'd woken the other boys. 一定是山姆,他心想。他既没去找熊老,也没上床睡觉,而是叫醒了其他几个男孩。
  Damn them all. Come dawn, if they were not in their beds, they'd be named deserters too. 真要命,若是天亮前他们还未归营,也会被当成逃兵处理。
  What did they think they were doing? 他们到底在想什么呀?
  The hushed silence seemed to stretch on and on. 寂静无限延伸。
  From where Jon crouched, he could see the legs of their horses through the branches. 从琼恩蹲的地方,透过树丛,可以看到他们坐骑的脚。
  Finally Pyp spoke up. "What did you hear?" 最后派普开口道:“你刚才到底听到什么?”
  I don't know, Haider admitted. "A sound, I thought it might have been a horse but... " “我也不知道。”霍德承认,“但的确有什么声音,我认为是马叫,可……”
  There's nothing here. “这儿什么声音都没有啊。”
  Out of the corner of his eye, Jon glimpsed a pale shape moving through the trees. 琼恩的眼角余光瞥见一个白色影子在林间窜动。
  Leaves rustled, and Ghost came bounding out of the shadows, so suddenly that Jon's mare started and gave a whinny. "There!" Halder shouted. 树叶窸窣抖动,白灵从阴影中跑了出来,由于来得突然,琼恩的母马不禁轻声惊叫。“在那里!”霍德大叫。
  I heard it too! “我也听到了!”