美国语文第四册 第63期:苏西的作文(2)(在线收听

   Run into the garden and play. I will call you in half an hour. 去花园里跑跑玩玩吧。半小时后我叫你回来。

  "But my composition," began Susie. "Don't think about your composition while you are gone," said Mrs. Smith, "but have as pleasant a time as you can." “那我的作文,”苏西开口问。“去玩儿的时候别想着你的作文,”史密斯夫人说,“尽可能玩得高兴点。”
  It seemed but a few minutes to Susie before she heard her mother's voice calling her. 苏西感觉只玩了一小会儿就听到了妈妈喊她的声音。
  She went into the house at once—her hands full of sweet flowers, and her cheeks rosy with exercise. 她立刻回到屋里——手上握满鲜花,脸颊因为运动而红扑扑的。
  "Now, Susie," said her mother, I want you to sit by the window with this nice sheet of paper and a pencil, “苏西,现在,”妈妈说,我要你坐在窗边,拿一张干净的纸、一根上好的笔,
  and write something about what you can see. 写些你能看见的东西。
  "But my composition, mother," said Susie; when shall I begin that? Never mind your composition, my dear; “妈,但是我的作文,”苏西说,我什么时候开始写?亲爱的,不要在意你的作文。
  do this to please me, and we will talk about that by and by. 照我说的做,我会很高兴的。我们过一会儿再说作文。
  Susie thought her mother's request was a strange one; 苏西认为妈妈的请求很奇怪,
  but she knew that she always had a good reason for everything she did: so she took the paper and pencil, and sat by the window. 但她知道妈妈做的每件事总有她的道理,所以她拿了纸和笔,坐在了窗前。
  "Do not talk to me at all," said her mother. "Look out of the window, and then write down your thoughts about everything you see." “千万不要和我说话,”妈妈说,“向窗外看去,然后写下关于你看到的一切的想法。”
  Susie could not help laughing, it seemed such a funny thing to be doing. 苏西不禁笑了起来,感觉要做的事十分好笑。
  As she looked out, she first saw the western sky and some bright, sunset clouds. 她向外看去,首先看到了西边的天空和一些明亮的日落云。
  "O mother!" she exclaimed, "what a splendid sunset!" "Don't talk," said her mother, "but write." “噢,妈!”她大叫道,“多么灿烂的落日啊!”“别说话,”妈妈说,“只管写。”
  "I'll write about the sunset, then," said she, and the pencil began to move rapidly across the paper. “那么,我就写写日落吧,”她说,铅笔开始在纸上快速地移动起来。