美国语文第四册 第65期:苏西的作文(4)(在线收听

   Now, while I have been writing, the clouds have changed in color and form, but they are just as beautiful as they were before. 现在,就在我写这些的时候,云朵已经改变了颜色和形状,但它们都和之前一样美丽。

  The green hills are tipped with light, and look as if they were wearing golden crowns. 翠绿的山顶闪着光,看起来好像戴上了绿色的皇冠。
  I can see a river a great way off, and it looks quite still, although I know it is running as fast as it can to get to the ocean. 我能看见一条河从高处流下来,虽然我知道它在速度很快地流向大海,但看起来像静止一般。
  The birds are flying past the window to go home and take care of their little ones. 鸟儿在回家途中飞过窗边,悉心照顾着小鸟们。
  I am glad the birds are not afraid to live in our garden, and to build nests in our trees. 我很高兴鸟儿们不害怕住在我们花园里,在我们的树上筑巢。
  Our garden is full of flowers—pinks, lilies, and roses. Mother calls this the month of roses. 我们的花园开满了鲜花——石竹、百合和玫瑰。妈妈管这个月叫玫瑰月。
  My birthday will come in a week, and we can have all the flowers we wish for wreaths and bouquets. 再过一周就是我的生日了,我们可以弄来所有想要的花来做花环和花束。
  "There, Susie," said Mrs. Smith, "that is a very nice composition, indeed." “苏西,”史密斯夫人说,“这就是一篇非常好的作文。”
  "A composition!" exclaimed Susie, "is that a composition?" “一篇作文!”苏西叫道,“这就是一篇作文?”
  "Yes, my dear, and a very good one, too," replied her mother. "When it hasn't even a subject?" “是的,我的宝贝,还是一篇非常好的。”妈妈回答。“连主题都没有?”
  "We can find one for it, and I do not doubt it will please your teacher, as it does me. “我们可以找个主题,我一点都不怀疑老师会喜欢这篇文章,就像让我喜欢一样。
  You see, my dear," continued her mother, that it is easy enough to write if you have anything interesting to write about. 你看,亲爱的,”妈妈继续说,如果有你感兴趣的事可写,写作是相当容易的。
  The next morning Susie copied her composition very neatly, 第二天早上,苏西将作文整齐地誊抄了一遍,
  and started to school with a happy heart, saying, as she gave her mother a kiss, 心情愉快地去上学,并给了妈妈一个吻。
  Just think how funny it is, dear mother, that I should have written so long a composition without knowing it. 亲爱的妈妈,想起来多可笑啊,我本可以在毫无察觉的情况下写下这么长的一篇作文。