美国语文第四册 第72期:勤奋的益处(3)(在线收听

   It was known by all that he was a good scholar, and by all that he was respected. 所有人都知道他是一名好学生,都敬佩他。

  His father and mother, brothers and sisters, came on the commencement day to hear him speak. 他父母和兄弟姐妹都来参加他的毕业典礼,听他演讲。
  They all felt gratified, and loved Charles more than ever. 他们感到非常满足,更加喜爱查尔斯了。
  Many situations of usefulness and profit were opened to him; 很多效益好的工作朝他敞开大门,
  for Charles was now an intelligent man, and universally respected. 因为查尔斯已经是能力很强的人了,受到普遍的尊重。
  He is still a useful and a happy man. He has a cheerful home, and is esteemed by all who know him. 他是个有能力并且快乐的人,有一个欢乐的家庭,所有认识他的人都很尊敬他。
  Such are the rewards of industry. 这些就是勤奋的回报。
  How strange it is that any person should be willing to live in idleness, when it will certainly make him unhappy! 浑浑噩噩地活着只会让人不快乐,但还有人愿意如此生活,这是多么奇怪啊!
  The idle boy is almost invariably poor and miserable; the industrious boy is happy and prosperous. 懒散的人总是一成不变地贫穷着、痛苦着,勤奋的人是快乐而且充满希望的。
  But perhaps some child who reads this, asks, "Does God notice little children in school?" He certainly does. 但可能一些孩子读到这个故事会问:“上帝是否注意到了课堂上的小孩?”他肯定会注意到的。
  And if you are not diligent in the improvement of your time, it is one of the surest evidences that your heart is not right with God. 那么,如果你不认真地利用你的时间,那就是最确凿的证据,证明你的心没有和上帝在一起。
  You are placed in this world to improve your time. 你来到世界上就要合理利用时间,
  In youth you must be preparing for future usefulness. 年轻时要为将来成为有用的人做准备。
  And if you do not improve the advantages you enjoy, you sin against your Maker. 如果你不去合理地支配你享有的优势,你就是在对造物主犯罪。
  With books, or work, or healthful play, Let your first years be passed; 读书、工作或健康地游戏,让你的生活如此度过;
  That you may give, for every day, Some good account, at last. 这样你最后可以说出每天都完成了些什么。