美国语文第四册 第76期:冬天之王(1)(在线收听

   Oh! what will become of thee, poor little bird? 哦!你会变成什么,可怜的小鸟?

  The muttering storm in the distance is heard; 已经听到了远处暴风雪低沉的声音;
  The rough winds are waking, the clouds growing black, 狂风已经醒来,云已经越来越黑,
  They'll soon scatter snowflakes all over thy back! 它们很快就会将雪片洒在你的背上!
  From what sunny clime hast thou wandered away? 你是从哪片阳光明媚的土地上悄悄溜走的?
  And what art thou doing this cold winter day? 这样寒冷的冬天你怎么度过?
  I'm picking the gum from the old peach tree; 我正从老桃树上取树胶;
  The storm doesn't trouble me. Pee, dee, dee! 风暴不会打扰我。
  But what makes thee seem so unconscious of care? 但是什么使你对关心毫无察觉?
  The brown earth is frozen, the branches are bare: 棕色的土地已经结冰,树枝已经光秃;
  And how canst thou be so light-hearted and free, 你如何能如此无忧无虑,自由自在?
  As if danger and suffering thou never should'st see, 仿佛你永远看不到危险和痛苦,
  When no place is near for thy evening nest, 当没有地方能够做你夜晚栖息的巢穴,
  No leaf for thy screen, for thy bosom no rest? 没有树叶为你遮挡,没有地方安放你的胸膛呢?
  Because the same Hand is a shelter for me, 因为同样的手在保护我,
  That took off the summer leaves. Pee, dee, dee! 也是它拿走了夏天的树叶。
  But man feels a burden of care and of grief, 但是人们感觉到关心和悲伤的负担,
  While plucking the cluster and binding the sheaf: 当拔掉一丛,捆起一束时,
  In the summer we faint, in the winter we're chilled, 我们在夏天里热晕,在冬天里颤抖,
  With ever a void that is yet to be filled. 有个空间等待被填满。