美国语文第四册) 第78期:荨麻(1)(在线收听

   O papa! I have stung my hand with that nettle. 哦!爸爸!那棵荨麻蜇到了我的手。

  father says: Well, my dear, I am sorry for it; but pull up that large dock leaf you see near it; 爸爸说:亲爱的,我为你感到难过;拔下一片旁边的大酸模叶,
  now bruise the juice out of it on the part which is stung. Well, is the pain lessened? 挤出叶子上的汁,涂在蜇疼了的地方。恩,现在不那么疼了吧?
  Oh, very much indeed, I hardly feel it now. But I wish there was not a nettle in the world. 哦,确实是,我几乎感觉不到疼了。但我真希望世界上没有荨麻。
  I am sure I do not know what use there can be in them. 我不知道它们能有什么用处。
  If you knew anything of botany, Nanny, you would not say so. 娜娜,如果你了解植物学的话就不会这么说了。
  What is botany, papa? ]Botany, my dear, is the knowledge of plants. 爸爸,什么是植物学? 亲爱的,植物学就是关于植物的学问。
  Some plants are very beautiful. If the lily were growing in our fields, I should not complain. 一些植物很漂亮。如果我们的地里长出的是百合花,我就没什么可抱怨的了。
  But this ugly nettle! I do not know what beauty or use there can be in that. 但却是这种难看的荨麻!我真不知道它有什么漂亮之处或者能有什么用处。
  And yet, Nanny, there is more beauty, use, and instruction in a nettle, than even in a lily. 不是啊,娜娜,荨麻里的妙处、功用和门道可比百合花多多了。
  O papa, how can you make that out? 哦,爸爸,你是怎么知道的?
  Put on your gloves, pluck up that nettle, and let us examine it. First, look at the flower. 戴上手套,拔下那棵荨麻,让我们一起来对它进行个考察。首先,看看它的花。
  The flower, papa? I see no flower, unless those little ragged knobs are flowers, 爸爸,它的花?我看不到花,除非说那些粗糙的小疙瘩是花。
  which have neither color nor smell, and are not much larger than the heads of pins. 它们即没颜色又没味道,还没有大头针的头大呢。
  Here, take this magnifying glass and examine them. 这里,拿着这个放大镜观察它们。
  Oh, I see now; every little knob is folded up in leaves, like a rosebud. Perhaps there is a flower inside. 噢,我现在看到了;每个小疙瘩都藏在叶子里,像个玫瑰花苞。也许里面有朵花。
  Try; take this pin and touch the knob. Well, what do you see? 试试,用这个大头针碰碰那个疙瘩。你看见什么了?
  Oh, how curious! What is curious? The moment I touched it, it flew open. 哦,真奇怪!什么奇怪啊?我碰到它的一瞬间,它就打开了,像施了魔法。