美国语文第四册 第83期:造物主(2)(在线收听

   The eye cannot look on his dazzling brightness. 眼睛无法注视他那耀眼的光亮。

  He seeth all dark places, by night as well as by day. 他看到了所有黑暗的地方,无论在黑夜还是白天。
  The light of his countenance is over all the world. 他脸上的光辉洒遍全世界。
  This great Being is God. He made all things, but He is more excellent than all that He has made. 这个伟大的存在就是上帝。他创造了这一切,但他比创作出的一切都要杰出。
  He is the Creator, they are the creatures. 他是造物主,他们是创造出的产物。
  They may be beautiful, but He is Beauty. They may be strong, but He is Strength. 他们可能漂亮,但他才是美。他们可能强壮,但他是力量。
  They may be perfect, but He is Perfection. 他们可能完美,但他是完满。
  There is a book, who runs may read, hich heavenly truth imparts, 有一本书,人人能读,传授神圣的真理,
  And all the lore its scholars need, Pure eyes and loving hearts. 和学者需要的一切知识,纯净的眼神和爱心。
  The works of God, above, below, Within us, and around, 上帝的作品,上面,下面,我们心里,我们周围,
  Are pages in that book, to show How God himself is found. 那本书里是否写了,上帝是怎么发现自己。
  The glorious sky, embracing all, Is like the Father's love; 耀眼的天空,拥抱一切,像上帝的爱
  Wherewith encompassed, great and small, In peace and order move. 用什么来包围住,使大大小小,和平而有序地运动着。
  Thou who hast given me eyes to see,And love this sight so fair, 你给了我看四周的眼睛,我当然地爱上了这景象,
  Give me a heart to find out Thee, And read Thee everywhere. 你赋予我心灵去找寻你,我在任何地方都能读到你。