美国语文第四册 第86期:马(3)(在线收听

   With equal quickness the hunter leaps into his saddle; 猎人同时非常迅速地跳上这匹马,

  and, in spite of the kicking of the captive, keeps his seat, till, being wearied out with his efforts, 尽管被捕到的马匹会不停地踢来踢去,但只要一直保持骑在马上,直到马匹用尽力气,
  the horse submits to the guidance of his new master, and is reduced to complete obedience. 它就会听从新主人的指挥,变得完全顺从。
  But, Uncle Thomas, are all horses originally wild? 马斯叔叔,所有的马原来都是野马吗?
  I have heard that Arabia is famous for raising horses. 我听说阿拉伯人驯马非常有名。
  Arabia has, for a long time, been noted for the beauty and speed of its horses. 很长一段时间,阿拉伯国家以其马匹的健美和速度而闻名于世。
  It is not strange, however, that the Arabian horse should be the most excellent, 这并不稀奇,阿拉伯马是最出色的。
  when we consider the care and kindness with which it is treated. 我们想想那里的马得到的照料和关怀就能明白。
  One of the best stories which I have ever heard of the love of an Arabian for his steed, 关于主人对阿拉伯马的爱,这是我听说过的最好的故事是之一。
  is that related of an Arab, from whom an English officer wished to purchase his horse. 这是一名阿拉伯人,一名英国军官想从这名阿拉伯人那里买他的马。
  The animal was a bright bay mare, of fine form and great beauty; 那匹马是一匹亮红棕色的母马,体格健硕,俊美无比。
  and the owner, proud of her appearance and qualities, paraded her before the Englishman's tent until she attracted his attention. 马的主人为它的外表和体格感到骄傲,骑着它在英国人的帐篷外炫耀,直到引起了英国人的注意。
  On being asked if he would sell her, "What will you give me?" was the reply. 当被问及愿不愿意将它出售时,主人回答:“你能给我什么?”
  "That depends upon her age. I suppose she is past five?" "Guess again," said he. “那要看它的年龄。我猜它已经超过五岁了?”“再猜,”他说。
  "Four?""Look at her mouth," said the Arab, with a smile. 四岁?”“看看它的嘴,”阿拉伯人笑着说。
  On examination she was found to be about three. 经过检查,发现它大约三岁的样子。