美国语文第四册 第92期:正确的方式(2)(在线收听

   This stream was not very wide, nor very deep at its edges, but in the center it was four or five feet deep; 面前这条小河并不太宽,河水也不很深,

  and in the spring the water ran very swiftly, 但是河的中央会有四五英尺深。
  so that wading across it, either by cattle or men, was quite a difficult undertaking. 春天时水流得非常湍急,所以涉水过河无论对牛还是人来说都是件很困难的事。
  As for Jenny, she could not get across at all without abridge, 对珍妮而言,没有桥她根本过不去,
  and there was none nearer than the wagon bridge, a mile and a half below. 附近最近的公路桥在离这里一里半的下游。
  "You will go with me, Andy, won't you?" said the little girl. “安迪,你会跟我一起去吧?”小女孩问道。
  "And be late to school?" said he. "I have not been late yet, you know, Jenny." “然后上课迟到?”他说,“知道么,珍妮,我还从没迟到过。”
  "Perhaps Dominie Black will think you have been sick or had to mind the cows," said Jenny. “也许布莱克校长会认为你生病了,或者需要照顾牛。”珍妮说。
  "He won't think so unless I tell him," said Andrew, "and you know I won't do that." “除非我亲自告诉他,否则他不会那么想的,”安德鲁说,“你知道我不会那么说的。”
  "If we were to run all the way, would you be too late?" said Jenny. “如果我们一直快点跑着,你还会迟到吗?”珍妮问。
  If we were to run all the way to the bridge, and I were to run all the way back, I should not get to school till after copy time. 如果我们快速跑到桥那里,我还要再跑回来,抄写课之前我肯定到不了学校。
  I expect every minute to hear the school bell ring, said Andrew. 我还想在上课的钟声响起之前到学校呢。安德鲁说。
  "But what can I do, then?" said poor little Jenny. “但是,那我该怎么办?”可怜的小珍妮说,
  I can't wait here till school's out, and I don't want to go up to the schoolhouse, for all the boys to laugh at me. 我也不能一直在这里等着你下课,我也不想一起去教室,男孩子们会笑话我的。
  "No," said Andrew, reflecting very seriously, “是,”安德鲁严肃地思考着说,
  I must take you home some way or other. 我一定得想个办法把你送回家。
  It won't do to leave you here, and, no matter where you might stay, your mother would be very much troubled about you. 不能把你留在这里,无论你待在哪儿,你妈妈都会很担心你的。
  "Yes," said Jenny, "she would think I was drowned." “是啊,”珍妮说,“她没准认为我被淹死了。”