美国语文第四册 第109期:中国故事一则(1)(在线收听

   Two young, near-sighted fellows, Chang and Ching, 常和庆是两个年轻的近视眼,

  Over their chopsticks idly chattering, 饭桌上闲谈时,
  Fell to disputing which could see the best; 争执起谁的眼力好,
  At last, they agreed to put it to the test. 最后他们决定来较量;
  Said Chang,A marble tablet, so I hear, 常说,在大理石板,我听到,
  Is placed upon the Bo-hee temple near, 附近有个武夷庙,
  With an inscription on it. 碑上刻着碑文,
  Let us go And read it (since you boast your optics so), 我们去看看,碑文(既然你吹嘘你的眼力好),
  Standing together at a certain place 站在石碑前面一定距离,
  In front, where we the letters just may trace; 刚好看见上面文字的地方,
  Then he who quickest reads the inscription there, 谁最快读出碑上的文字,
  The palm for keenest eyes henceforth shall bear. 谁的视力就最好。
  "Agreed," said Ching, but let us try it soon: 庆说,同意,我们尽快比,
  Suppose we say tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午怎么样?
  "Nay, not so soon," said Chang; 常说,不用这么早,我还有
  I'm bound to go tomorrow a day's ride from Hoang-Ho, 一天的行程,骑马从黄河出发,
  And sha'n't be ready till the following day: 后天才能回来,
  At ten A. M., on Thursday, let us say. 周四上午十点再较量吧。
  So't was arranged; but Ching was wide-awake: 这样决定了,庆睡不着觉:
  Time by the forelock he resolved to take; 天刚蒙蒙亮他就出发了;
  And to the temple went at once, and read, 到了庙前看石碑上写着,
  Upon the tablet, To the illustrious dead, The chief of mandarins, the great Goh-Bang. 这里埋葬着杰出的满洲首领,伟大的国邦。
  Scarce had he gone when stealthily came Chang, 他刚刚离开常就偷偷溜来,
  Who read the same; but peering closer, 他也看到了同样的碑文,可他更仔细,
  he spied in a corner what Ching failed to see—The words, 发现碑角上写着——这是庆没看到的。
  This tablet is erected here by those to whom the great Goh-Bang was dear. 这个石碑是敬爱国邦的人所立。