美国语文第四册 第173期:垂死的士兵(1)(在线收听

   A waste of land, a sodden plain, 浪费土地,湿透的平原,

  A lurid sunset sky, 晚霞火红如血,
  With clouds that fled and faded fast in ghostly phantasy; 土地荒芜,地面刚刚淋湿,一派凄凉的景象,
  A field upturned by trampling feet, 战马践踏过的平原,
  A field uppiled with slain, 无数战士横尸沙场,
  With horse and rider blent in death upon the battle plain. 躺卧着战马和骑兵,杀戮的战场上,
  The dying and the dead lie low; 有的牺牲了,有的奄奄一息,
  For them, no more shall rise the evening moon, nor midnight stars, 他们再也见不到,傍晚的月亮和深夜的繁星,
  Nor daylight's soft surprise: 也不会感受清晨的日光。
  They will not wake to tenderest call, 他们不会为轻柔的呼唤叫醒,
  Nor see again each home, 也不会再见到家中亲人,
  Where waiting hearts shall throb and break, 亲人会心痛、心碎,
  When this day's tidings come. 当战场消息传回家乡。
  Two soldiers, lying as they fell upon the reddened clay— 有两个士兵倒下了,倒在鲜红的泥土上——
  In daytime, foes; at night, in peace breathing their lives away! 白天他们是仇敌,夜间他们和平地 呼吸着生命最后的空气!
  Brave hearts had stirred each manly breast; 胸膛里跳动着勇敢的心;
  Fate only, made them foes; 是命运让他们成为敌人;
  And lying, dying, side by side, a softened feeling rose. 此刻躺在一起,一起走向死亡,一种温暖的感情从心中生起。