美国语文第四册 第185期:最好的资本(1)(在线收听

   One would have said that modest John Brooke, in his busy, quiet, humble life, had had little time to make friends; 有人可能会说诚实的约翰.布鲁克,忙碌、安静、卑微的一生中很少有时间交朋友;

  but now they seemed to start up everywhere,—old and young, rich and poor, high and low; 可是现在他的朋友似乎无处不在,——老人和孩子,富人和穷人,高个儿和矮个儿;
  for all unconsciously his influence had made itself widely felt, his virtues were remembered, and his hidden charities rose up to bless him. 所有人不知不觉都感受到了他的影响,人们记起了他的美德,他默默的善行也带给他祝福。
  The group about his coffin was a far more eloquent eulogy than any that man could utter. 棺木旁的人群比颂词更流畅。
  There were the rich men whom he had served faithfully for years; 有他忠实服务过的富人;
  the poor old women whom he cherished with his little store, in memory of his mother; 有他用自己的小店照顾过的贫困老妇人,他这么做是为了怀念他的母亲;
  the wife to whom he had given such happiness that death could not mar it utterly; 有他的妻子,他带给她的幸福死亡也带不走;
  the brothers and sisters in whose hearts he had made a place forever; 有他的兄弟姐妹,他们在心里永远怀念他;
  the little son and daughter who already felt the loss of his strong arm and tender voice; 有他的儿女,他们感到失去了强有力的臂膀和亲切的声音;
  the young children, sobbing for their kindest playmate, and the tall lads, watching with softened faces a scene which they never could forget. 小孩子们因为失去了一个玩伴而啜泣,大一点的孩子们神色温和地看着这永远难忘的情景。
  That evening, as the Plumfield boys sat on the steps,as usual, in the mild September moonlight, they naturally fell to talking of the event of the day. 当晚,梅园的男孩子们像往常一样坐在台阶上,九月的月光照射下来,他们自然谈起这天发生的事情。
  Emil began by breaking out in his impetuous way,  急切的埃米尔抢先说话:
  Uncle Fritz is the wisest, and Uncle Laurie the jolliest, but Uncle John was the best; and I'd rather be like him than any man I ever saw. 弗里茨舅舅最有智慧,劳里舅舅最快活,可是约翰舅舅最好;我宁愿做像他一样的人。