乔布斯传 第402期:微软契约(5)(在线收听

   During his Macworld keynote address, Jobs walked through the details of the Microsoft deal. 在Macworld大会的主题演讲中,乔布斯介绍了跟微软合作的细节。

  At first there were groans and hisses from the faithful. 一开始,那些忠实的苹果拥护者还发出叹息和嘘声。
  Particularly galling was Jobs's announcement that, as part of the peace pact, 尤其让他们伤心的是乔布斯宣布,作为和平条约的一部分,
  "Apple has decided to make Internet Explorer its default browser on the Macintosh." “苹果决定把IE作为麦金塔的默认浏览器。”
  The audience erupted in boos, and Jobs quickly added, 观众席爆发出一阵嘘声,乔布斯迅速补充道:
  "Since we believe in choice, we're going to be shipping other Internet browsers, as well, “由于我们提倡选择自由,我们也会提供其他浏览器,
  and the user can, of course, change their default should they choose to." 用户当然可以随心所欲地更改默认设置。”
  There were some laughs and scattered applause. 台下爆发出一些笑声和零星的掌声。
  The audience was beginning to come around, 观众的反应开始转变,
  especially when he announced that Microsoft would be investing $150 million in Apple and getting nonvoting shares. 特别是当他宣布微软将向苹果投资1.5亿美元,换取无投票权的股份。
  But the mellower mood was shattered for a moment 然而现场舒畅的气氛一下子被打乱了,
  when Jobs made one of the few visual and public relations gaffes of his onstage career. 因为乔布斯犯了一个在他的舞台生涯中很少出现的视觉效果和公共关系方面的失误。