美国语文第五册 第25期:知更鸟(在线收听

   Good-by, good-by to Summer! 再见,与夏季挥手作别,

  For Summer's nearly done; 炎热的舞台,即将落幕,
  The garden smiling faintly, 花园里,笑声黯淡下来,
  Cool breezes in the sun; 微风,吹过九月艳阳,
  Our thrushes now are silent, 画眉,不再引吭高歌,
  Our swallows flown away, 燕子, 亦成群结对飞远。
  But Robin's here in coat of brown, 知更鸟,身穿褐色衣裳,
  And scarlet brestknot gay. 猩红色围脖,夺目耀眼,
  Robin, Robin Redbreast, 知更鸟,知更鸟,
  O Robin dear! 那么可爱,我的鸟儿。
  Robin sings so sweetly  你婉转的歌声,清脆明亮,
  In the falling of the year. 落在枝头,满眼夏日灿烂。
  Bright yellow, red, and orange, 明黄、艳红、亮橘斑斓,
  The leaves come down in hosts; 落叶纷飞里,光影迷乱,
  The trees are Indian princes, 叙述昨天的树,繁复故事,
  But soon they'll turn to ghosts; 寒风中,即将形销骨立,印度王子般,挺立依然。
  The leathery pears and apples 苹果树、梨树,外皮粗韧,
  Hang russet on the bough; 赤褐色果实,点缀在夕阳苍峦,
  It's autumn, autumn, autumn late, 晚秋的步履,迟缓沉重,
  'T will soon be winter now. 转眼间,迎来霁雪初寒。
  Robin, Robin Redbreast, 知更鸟,知更鸟,
  O Robin dear! 那么快乐,我的鸟儿。
  And what will this poor Robin do? 最终躲过,萧瑟寒冬难关?
  For pinching days are near. 你将如何,飞进浓密黑暗,
  The fireside for the cricket, 蟋蟀,猫在壁炉过冬,
  The wheat stack for the mouse, 老鼠,钻进麦堆取暖,
  When trembling night winds whistle 颤栗的风,呼啸着刮过村庄,
  And moan all round the house. 锐利疼痛,撕裂出呻吟呼喊。
  The frosty ways like iron, 路上,泛着银色寒霜,
  The branches plumed with snow, 大雪皑皑,铺开白色殿堂,
  Alas! in winter dead and dark, 冬天枝桠上,到处写满死亡。
  Where can poor Robin go? 知更鸟,你究竟飞向何方?
  Robin, Robin Redbreast, 知更鸟,知更鸟,
  O Robin dear! 那么可爱, 我的鸟儿。
  And a crumb of bread for Robin, 为你,我撒上面包屑,
  His little heart to cheer. 你在枝头雀跃,报以欢欣。