美国语文第五册 第27期:脱钩的狗鱼(2)(在线收听

   I made a strong pull, and brought up a tangle of weeds. 我猛地提起鱼竿,拽出的却是缠成一团的水草。

  Again and again I cast out my line with aching arms, and drew it back empty. 再来一次,我总是满怀希望地抛出钓线,却还是一无所获,胳膊亦隐约疼痛起来。
  I looked at my uncle appealingly. "Try once more," he said; "we fishermen must have patience." 我求救地看了看叔叔,“再试试,”他对我说,“钓鱼的人需要格外耐心。”
  Suddenly something tugged at my line, and swept off with it into deep water. 忽然,什么东西扯住了鱼线,猛地往下一拽,
  Jerking it up, I saw a fine pickerel wriggling in the sun. 我扯住鱼竿拉起一看,一条漂亮的狗鱼在阳光下挣扎扭动,
  "Uncle!" I cried, looking back in uncontrollable excitement, "I've got a fish!" "Not yet," said my uncle. “叔叔!”我回头大声叫道,抑制不住满心激动。“我钓到了一条大鱼!”“哎,”
  As he spoke there was a plash in the water;  叔叔的话未说完,刹那间,水面溅起浪花,
  I caught the arrowy gleam of a scared fish shooting into the middle of the stream, my hook hung empty from the line. 只见一道箭矢般银光划过,那条大鱼跃入水中,我手握的那柄钓竿上,只留下空空的饵钩,呜呼!
  I had lost my prize. 到手的大狗鱼就这样在我的眼皮下溜走了。
  We are apt to speak of the sorrows of childhood as trifles in comparison with those of grown-up people; 我们极易谈及孩提时代的懊恼,与成人那些痛苦比较,
  but we may depend upon it the young folks don't agree with us. 尽管鸡毛蒜皮,不值一提,但总会耿耿于怀。
  Our griefs, modified and restrained by reason, experience,and self-respect, keep the proprieties, and, if possible, avoid a scene; 当然,年轻人看来每每不以为然。因理性、经验、甚至自尊改变并抑制,可能的话,我们或许不再百般纠结闷闷不乐。
  but the sorrow of childhood, unreasoning and all-absorbing, is a complete abandonment to the passion. 童年痛苦,将会演变成一种安之若素的面对,然而,孩提时代缺乏理性、沉湎痛苦难以自拔,却是任由性情恣意放纵。
  The doll's nose is broken, and the world breaks up with it; 洋娃娃鼻子破了,整个世界随之打碎;
  the marble rolls out of sight, and the solid globe rolls off with the marble. 弹子球滚不见了,整个天地接着地陷天塌。