美国语文第五册 第45期:布伦海姆战役(2)(在线收听


  My father lived at Blenheim then, 当年,我父亲住在布伦海姆,
  Yon little stream, hard by; 那里有条小河,水流湍急,
  They burnt his dwelling to the ground, 英国佬放火烧光我家房子,
  And he was forced to fly; 寸草不存,片瓦不留,
  So, with his wife and child he fled, 父亲被迫离家出走,
  Nor had he where to rest his head. 带着母亲,抱着我。
  With fire and sword, the country round was wasted, far and wide; 四面八方,火光混合枪声,遍地都是,焦土、尸体
  And many a nursing mother then, and newborn baby died; 喂奶的母亲,怀抱出生就死去的孩子。
  But things like that, you know, must be, 可你们知道,战争就是那样,
  At every famous victory. 哪次,不是血流成河?
  They say it was a shocking sight, 人们都说,景象悲惨,
  After the field was won; 后来,法国人打回后,
  For many thousand bodies here, 数千具尸体,七横八躺,
  Lay rotting in the sun: 阳光暴晒下,很快腐烂。
  But things like that, you know, must be, 可你们知道,战争就是那样,
  After a famous victory. 哪次,不是尸骨堆山?
  Great praise the Duke of Marlboro' won, 人们盛赞,马尔伯勒公爵的战绩,
  And our young prince, Eugene. 还有,年轻王子尤金的胜利。
  Why, 't was a very wicked thing! 为什么呢?杀人是邪恶的!
  Said little Wilhelmine. 小威廉明妮开口说道。
  "Nay, nay, my little girl!" quoth he, “噢,不,我的孩子,”老卡斯帕说,
  It was a famous victory. 那可是,一次了不起的胜利。
  And everybody praised the Duke who this great fight did win. 每人都称赞公爵,他确实,赢得了战争。
  But what good came of it at last? 但,最终又有什么好处?
  Quoth little Peterkin. 小威廉明妮问道。
  "Why, that I can not tell," said he, “为什么?我也不知道,”老卡斯帕嘟囔,

  "But 't was a glorious victory." “那可是,一次辉煌的胜利。” 
