美国语文第五册 第93期:洛多大瀑布(1)(在线收听

   How does the water come down at Lodore? 洛多瀑布的水,怎么落下的呢?

  My little boy asked me thus once on a time; 曾经一次,年幼的儿子问我,
  And, moreover, he tasked me to tell him in rhyme. 甚至特别要求,用韵律节奏告诉他。
  Anon at the word, There first came one daughter, 此后不久,女儿也有如此疑问,
  And then came another, To second and third the request of their brother, 三个妹妹, 走马灯地询问哥哥,
  And to hear how the water comes down at Lodore, 当时,那瀑布的水, 究竟如何落下。
  With its rush and its roar, 水吼叫着,直冲而下,
  As many a time they had seen it before. 许多许多次,大人们以前看过。
  So I told them in rhyme, 我用诗歌节奏描述,
  For of rhymes I had store, 那心底珍藏的韵律,
  And 't was in my vocation for their recreation that so I should sing; 留存于昔日旅程中,跌宕起伏的过去,我应该放开歌喉,
  Because I was Laureate to them and the King. 将桂冠诗人的吟颂,告诉孩子,献与上帝。
  From its sources which well in the tarn on the fell; 洛多瀑布老家,坐落在 嶙峋多石的山顶,小湖边,
  From its fountains in the mountains, 泉眼潺潺,山间,
  Its rills and its gills; 淙淙流淌,汇成叮咚溪河,
  Through moss and through brake, 流过满山青苔、树丛,
  It runs and it creeps for a while, till it sleeps in its own little lake. 时快,时缓,过了一会,它,居然睡着了。 落脚到,雍积的小湖,
  And thence at departing, 从那里出发,
  Awakening and starting, 苏醒后,它再度启程,
  It runs through the reeds, 蜿蜒走过,芦苇沼泽,
  And away it proceeds, 一路上,川流不息,
  Through meadow and glade, 流经草地,灌丛空旷,
  In sun and in shade, 阳光下,或森林蓊郁,
  And through the wood shelter, among crags in its flurry, 面对悬崖峭壁,掀起在峭壁间乱舞,
  Helter-skelter, Hurry-skurry. 湍流急浪,仓皇惊慌地奏起,杂乱无序的乐章。
  Here it comes sparkling, 那股黑暗中光亮,奔泻而来,
  And there it lies darkling; 不再低调,迸发张扬,
  Now smoking and frothing its tumult and wrath in, 雾气漫天,浪花飞溅,酝酿着。骚动,呼啸愤怒,
  Till, in this rapid race on which it is bent, 积聚最后,爆发出千钧力量,直到,快步赶到这里,
  It reaches the place of its steep descent. 弯起身躯,从陡峭悬崖上,腾空飞起,骤然跃下。
  The cataract strong then plunges along, 湍急洪流,磅礴而来,天堑处,撞击疯狂,
  Striking and raging as if a war waging its caverns and rocks among; 龙腾虎跃,訇然雷动,犹如,战争中万炮齐发,在山中,无数洞穴石窟炸响。