美国语文第五册 第96期:北美食米鸟(2)(在线收听

   Sometimes he pitches from the summit of a tree,begins his song as soon as he gets upon the wing, 食米鸟常常落在树梢,一旦梳理好翅膀,便开始亮开歌喉,

  and flutters tremulously down to the earth, as if overcome with ecstasy at his own music. 它不时朝地面猛力拍打双翼,仿佛在自己歌声里陶醉忘形;
  Sometimes he is in pursuit of his mate; always in full song, 它自然喜欢追求配偶,开口吟唱那些高亢曲调,
  as if he would win her by his melody; and always with the same appearance of intoxication and delight. 好像唯有音欤相求,才能获取配偶芳心,当然,它那一副陶醉自得的快乐神情让人忍俊不禁。
  Of all the birds of our groves and meadows, the bobolink was the envy of my boyhood. 北美森林莽莽草原上所有鸟类,食米鸟是我孩提时代最为嫉妒的鸟。
  He crossed my path in the sweetest weather, and the sweetest season of the year, 在一年中最美好的季节里,气候适宜,它在我漫步的小路上穿梭飞行。
  when all nature called to the fields, and the rural feeling throbbed in every bosom; 当自然万物声声呼唤田野,当田园情愫在每一个生命的心中悸动,
  but when I, luckless urchin! was doomed to be mewed up, during the live-long day, in a schoolroom. 可我,一个不幸的孩子,每天却被牢牢地囚禁在教室里。
  It seemed as if the little varlet mocked at me as he flew by in full song, and sought to taunt me with his happier lot. Oh, how I envied him! 这个看起来像恶棍的家伙,放开歌喉从我身边飞过,它唱得那么开心,似乎伺机嘲笑我。哦,我嫉妒死它了!
  No lessons, no task, no school; nothing but holiday, frolic, green fields, and fine weather. 没有功课,没有作业,没有学校,除了假期、嬉戏、绿色田野及美妙气候,
  Had I been then more versed in poetry, I might have addressed him in the words of Logan to the cuckoo: 它真是一无所有。假如我具有更多的诗歌才华,原本可将诗人洛根送给杜鹃鸟的赞誉送给它。
  Sweet bird, thy bower is ever green, Thy sky is ever clear; 甜蜜的鸟儿,你的巢穴四季常青,天空那么清澈湛蓝,
  Thou hast no sorrow in thy song, No winter in thy year. 你的岁月没有漫长冬季,你的歌声没有丝毫悲伤,
  Oh. could I fly, I'd fly with thee! 哦,如果我能张开翅膀,和你一起比翼飞翔。
  We'd make, with joyful wing, 鼓起幸福的双翼,
  Our annual visit o'er the globe, companions of the spring. 一年一度,和春天做伴,完成飞越环球的梦想。