美国语文第五册 第100期:罗伯特-林肯(2)(在线收听

   Modest and shy as a nun is she, 雌鸟羞涩得像位修女,

  One weak chirp is her only note; 偶尔低声地唧喳两声,
  Braggart and prince of braggarts is he, 夫君却是自吹自擂的王子,
  Pouring boasts from his little throat: 颇为自豪地不停叫唤,
  Bobolink, Bobolink, 食米鸟,食米鸟,
  Spink, spank, spink, 斯宾克,斯潘克,斯宾克,
  Never was I afraid of man, 我可从来不怕人,
  Catch me, cowardly knaves, if you can. 无赖!流氓!有胆你就放马过来,
  Chee, chee, chee. 唧,唧,唧。
  Six white eggs on a bed of hay, 干草上,六只白色的蛋,
  Flecked with purple, a pretty sight! 紫色的斑点,温润美丽,
  There as the mother sits all day, 妈妈整天地孵坐窝里,
  Robert is singing with all his might: 父亲快乐地吐露心声,
  Bobolink, bobolink, 食米鸟,食米鸟,
  Spink, spank, spink, 斯宾克,斯潘克,斯宾克,
  Nice good wife that never goes out, 尽职的母亲从不挪窝,
  Keeping house while I frolic about. 我却在一边玩耍嬉戏,
  Chee, chee, chee. 唧,唧,唧。
  Soon as the little ones chip the shell, 雏鸟们很快破壳而出,
  Six wide mouths are open for food; 六只嗷嗷小嘴盼着食物,
  Robert of Lincoln bestirs him well, 罗伯特·林肯抖擞精神,
  Gathering seeds for the hungry brood.. 衔来草籽喂养待哺的宝贝,
  Bobolink, bobolink, 食米鸟,食米鸟,
  Spink, spank, spink, 斯宾克,斯潘克,斯宾克,
  This new life is likely to be hard for a gay young fellow like me. 新出世的雏鸟们,今后或许像我同样艰难辛苦,
  Chee, chee, chee. 唧,唧,唧。
  Robert of Lincoln at length is made 罗伯特·林肯变了模样,
  Sober with work, and silent with care; 精心地照料孩子不再歌唱,
  Off is his holiday garment laid, 它脱下假日漂亮的盛装,
  Half forgotten that merry air: 忘却快乐的和煦阳光,
  Bobolink, bobolink, 食米鸟,食米鸟,
  Spink, spank, spink, 斯宾克,斯潘克,斯宾克,
  Nobody knows but my mate and I 除了我们夫妻俩,
  Where our nest and our nestlings lie. 没人知道孵蛋的小窝搭在哪,
  Chee, chee, chee. 唧,唧,唧。
  Summer wanes; the children are grown; 夏天过去,雏鸟们已长大,
  Fun and frolic no more he knows; 不再只知道嬉戏玩耍,
  Robert of Lincoln's a humdrum crone; 老伴变得干瘪无趣,
  Off he flies, and we sing as he goes: 罗伯特飞走时,歌谣依然在唱,
  Bobolink, bobolink, 食米鸟,食米鸟,
  Spink, spank, spink, 斯宾克,斯潘克,斯宾克,
  When you can pipe that merry old strain, 风笛吹响,古老迷人的曲调,
  Robert of Lincoln, come back again. 罗伯特终于飞回来了,
  Chee, chee, chee. 唧,唧,唧。