美国语文第五册 第218期:雪落(在线收听

   The wonderful snow is falling over river and woodland and wold;   纷纷扬扬,鹅毛大雪难以想象,染白河流,覆盖成片森林原野,

  The trees bear spectral blossom  枝杈魅影,开出精灵诡异骨朵,
  In the moonshine blurr'd and cold.  月光凄冷,透出雪夜朦胧肃杀。
  There's a beautiful garden in Heaven; 遥远天国,有个鲜花盛开村庄,
  And these are the banished flowers, 芬芳四溢,人间放逐花朵怒放,
  Falling and driven and drifted  朔风扑来,白色魂灵从天而降,
  Into this dark world of ours.  轻舞飞扬,融入大地凝重灰暗。