美国语文第五册 第233期:自我解脱(2)(在线收听

   Far above, silent and dim as a picture, was the city, with its huge mill masonry, confused chimney tops, and church spires;   远处城镇安静得有点朦胧,宛如一幅画,影影绰绰,分不清究竟是庞大的磨坊砖墙还是烟囱顶端;高高的教堂尖塔,

  before me the river went dashing down its rugged channel, sending up its everlasting murmur;  眼前河道崎岖,河水湍急,仿佛吟唱一曲经久不息的歌谣;
  above me the birch tree hung its tassels; and the last wild flowers of autumn profusely fringed the rocky rim of the water. 我头顶上方的桦木枝繁叶茂,河边崖壁上嵌满了秋季最后盛开的荼靡。
  Right opposite, the Dracut woods stretched upwards from the shore,  恰好河岸对面,德雷卡特森林从岸边一直往上游延伸,
  beautiful with the hues of frost, glowing with tints richer and deeper than those which Claude or Poussin mingled,  阳光辉映下,露珠闪耀晶莹,招摇炫目极了,变幻出魔幻繁杂的色彩,比克劳德森林或普辛森林漂亮多了,
  as if the rainbows of a summer shower had fallen among them.  简直就像夏季暴雨后一道漫天瑰丽的彩虹。
  At a little distance to the right, a group of cattle stood mid-leg deep in the river;  右边不远的地方,一群牛站在没膝的河水中,岸边,一块片状巨石兀立而起;
  and a troop of children, bright-eyed and mirthful, were casting pebbles at them from a projecting shelf of rock.  一群开心的孩子们,正朝那群牛儿甩石子,他们眼里洋溢着无拘无束的快乐欢情。
  Over all a warm but softened sunshine melted down from a slumberous autumnal sky. 温暖秋阳柔软地抚摩万物,天空下满是浓郁的慵懒。
  My reverie was disagreeably broken.  一阵低沉的咕哝声打断了我的沉思冥想,
  A low, grunting sound, half bestial, half human, attracted my attention.  让我略感不快,我居然看到一位半兽半人的家伙,心里并不觉得害怕。