美国语文第五册 第272期:英吉利海峡追逐战(2)(在线收听

   A few men were, however, seen clinging with wild frenzy to the cordage, 然而,就在那时,桅杆上端有几位水兵拼命想抓住绳索,

  dropping from rope to rope, like wounded birds fluttering through a tree, 却接二连三地急遽掉落,“嘭”“嘭”地重重地摔进大海,犹如受伤鸟儿胡乱拍打颤抖的双翼,
  until they fell heavily into the ocean, the sullen ship sweeping by them in a cold indifference. 从树丛高处跌落下来,尽管满腔掠过不悦的神情,但官兵们只能束手无策。
  At the next instant, the spars and masts of their enemy exhibited a display of men similar to their own, 紧接着,敌舰甲板的桅杆上亦有士兵陆续掉进海里,重复再现美舰甲板上的场景。
  when Griffith again placed the trumpet to his mouth, and shouted aloud, 这时,格里菲斯船长再次拿起喇叭高声叫喊,
  “Give it to them; drive them from their yards, boys; scatter them with your grape; unreeve their rigging!” “士兵们!开始炮击!将敌人从桅杆上轰下来!连续炮击,炸掉他们的桅杆!咬死他们!”
  The crew of the American wanted but little encouragement to enter on this experiment with hearty good will, 微不足道的战场煽情,一丁点由衷的热切鼓励,美军防卫舰上士兵们顿时群情激奋,
  and the close of his cheering words was uttered amid the deafening roar of his own cannon. 勇气倍增,船长激昂的话音未落,全船随即淹没在舰船发出一连串震耳欲聋的炮声轰鸣。
  The Pilot had, however, mistaken the skill and readiness of their foe; 然而,敌舰迅速敏捷的应变能力,还是超出了领航员的估计与判断,
  for, notwithstanding the disadvantageous circumstances under which the Englishman increased his sail, 尽管面对英国人加大航速的不利局面,美军防卫舰并未乱了阵脚,
  the duty was steadily and dexterously performed. 船舰仍然正常有序行进。
  The two ships were now running rapidly on parallel lines, 两艘战舰互为平行地快速行驶,
  hurling at each other their instruments of destruction with furious industry, 双方猛烈地互相开炮攻击,短兵相接,炸弹纷飞,
  and with severe and certain loss to both, though with no manifest advantage in favor of either. 交火双方损失惨重,但尚未有任何一方明显占有上风。
  Both Griffith and the Pilot witnessed, with deep concern, this unexpected defeat of their hopes; 格里菲斯与领航员忧心忡忡地望着两舰惨烈厮杀,这场未曾料想的海上激战使他们原以为胜劵在握的希望落空,