旅游英语口语就该这么说:第221期 职业工作 职业(在线收听

   What are you going to take up as a career? 你打算从事什么职业?

  Architecture.Actually,I've already started.I began my studies at Tongji University last autumn. 建筑。事实上我已经从事建筑业了,去年秋天我开始在同济大学学习建筑。
  What are you going to do when you finish? 你毕业后打算干什么呢?
  There's a great deal of scope for architects in China and a lot of useful work to be done-building bridges, roads, high buildings for people. 搞建筑在中国大有可为,有许多工作可做,为人们建造桥梁、道路和高楼。
  Well, I was good at maths and art at school and I thought I had a certain feeling for design. 我在校时擅长数学和美术。我想我对设计有点儿天赋,
  I suppose my personal qualities made me choose architecture, and not law, for instance. 正是我的个人素质使我选择了建筑,而不选择诸如法律之类的。