天籁音乐 候在左近(A place near by)(在线收听

来自斯堪地那维亚的流行乐创作力,以及拥有对美国大陆的词曲创作传统的高度了解,Lene Marlin(琳恩.玛莲)于是非常地独树一格,与一般流行乐的偶像女歌手比较起来,是非常不同的。由于自己创作所有的音乐与歌词,Lene Marlin用一把空心吉他与她优美声音,传达了独有的音乐觉醒意识。这种自我的意识,有时甚至在成熟的歌者身上都还无法找到。她细致的观察力、与天真的童稚,都是使她更特别的个人特色。

    歌曲描述了一个离开人世的妙龄女子,却守候在心爱的人周围的动人故事,尤其是歌中的Heaven is a place nearby,So there’s no need to say goodbye【天堂并不遥远,所以无需说再见】,闻之令人愀然泪下。


    候在左近(A place near by)歌词

    I entered the room
    Sat by your bed all through the night
    I watched your daily fight
    I hardly knew
    The pain was almost more than I could bear
    And still I hear
    Your last words to me.

    Heaven is a place nearby
    So I won’t be so far away.
    And if you try and look for me
    Maybe you’ll find me someday.
    Heaven is a place nearby
    So there’s no need to say goodbye
    I wanna ask you not to cry
    I’ll always be by your side.

    You just faded away
    You spread your wings you had flown
    Away to something unknown
    Wish I could bring you back.
    You're always on my mind
    About to tear myself apart.
    You have your special place in my heart.

    Heaven is a place nearby
    So I won't be so far away.
    And if you try and look for me
    Maybe you'll find me someday.
    Heaven is a place nearby
    So there's no need to say goodbye
    I wanna ask you not to cry
    I'll always be by your side.

    And even when I go to sleep
    I still can hear your voice
    And those words
    I never will forget