冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1151期:第五十五章 凯特琳(7)(在线收听

   I'm here, Father, she said. "With Robb, my son. He'll want to see you too." “父亲,我这不就来了么?”她说,“我和罗柏一道来的,他是您的外孙呢,他很想见您。”

  Your boy, he whispered. "He had my eyes, I remember... " “你的孩子,”他小声说,“他继承了我的眼睛,我记得的……”
  He did, and he does. And we've brought you Jaime Lannister, in irons. Riverrun is free again, Father. “是的,如今依然。我们还为您带来了詹姆·兰尼斯特,他是我们的阶下囚了。父亲,奔流城之围已经化解。”
  Lord Hoster smiled. "I saw. Last night, when it began, I told them... had to see. They carried me to the gatehouse... watched from the battlements. 霍斯特公爵微笑:“我看到了,昨晚开战的时候,我跟他们说……我非看不可,于是他们把我抬上城门楼……我从城垛上看去。
  Ah, that was beautiful... the torches came in a wave, I could hear the cries floating across the river... sweet cries... 啊,真是太美了……火把像潮水一般涌过来,我听见河对岸的惨叫……多美妙的惨叫……
  when that siege tower went up, gods... would have died then, and glad, if only I could have seen you children first. 攻城塔整个烧起来了,诸神保佑……我要是那时候就死了也没关系,还会很高兴地走,只是我想先看看你的孩子。
  Was it your boy who did it? Was it your Robb?" 昨晚是你儿子干的么?就你家那个罗柏?”
  Yes, Catelyn said, fiercely proud. "It was Robb... and Brynden. Your brother is here as well, my lord." “是,”凯特琳的口气坚定而骄傲。“正是罗柏……还有布林登。父亲大人,叔叔他也回来了。”
  Him. Her father's voice was a faint whisper. "The Blackfish... came back? From the Vale?" Yes. “他,”父亲的声音成了微弱的呓语,“黑鱼……也回来了?从艾林谷回来了?”“是的。”