
   Let those who are in favor with their stars Of public honor and proud titles boast, 且让那些鸿运亨通的人们,夸耀其高位与显赫的虚名,

  Whilst I whom fortune of such triumph bars, 我虽无缘侧身幸运者之堂,
  Unlooked for joy in that I honor most. 却意外使深心的追求如愿以偿。
  Great princes' favourites their fair leaves spread 得宠的王臣虽能春风得意于一时,
  But as the marigold at the sun's eye, 但如金盏花随日出日落乍开还闭,
  And in themselves their pride lies buried, 一旦龙颜震怒,他们便香消玉殒,
  For at a frown they in their glory die. 昔日的荣华威风转眼化作烟尘。
  The painful warrior famoused for fight, 含辛茹苦、名播沙场的将士,
  After a thousand victories once foiled, 千百次征战所向披靡,一朝败绩,
  Is from the book of honor rased quite, 姓名便立刻从功劳薄上消逝,
  And all the rest forgot for which he toiled. 从前的赫赫战功再无人提起:
  Then happy I that love and am beloved 而我,多幸福,既被人爱又能爱人,
  Where I may not remove, nor be removed. 我坚定,别人也休想动摇我一分。