
   How can I then return in happy plight, 我又怎能够使快乐的心境恢复?

  That am debarr'd the benefit of rest? 既然我白天黑夜不能安心独处,
  When day's oppression is not eased by night, 白昼的压迫在夜晚得不到消除,
  But day by night, and night by day, oppress'd? 日以继夜,夜以继日,愁烦更苦,
  And each, though enemies to either's reign, 日和夜虽然原本互相为敌,
  Do in consent shake hands to torture me; 但折磨我时却联手作战配合默契。
  The one by toil, the other to complain How far I toil, still farther off from thee. 一个让我辛劳,一个让我哀怨,说我跋涉得远,却离你更远。
  I tell the day, to please them thou art bright And dost him grace when clouds do blot the heaven: 我讨好白昼,告诉它你四射光芒,纵云遮丽日,你可使白昼辉煌。
  So flatter I the swart-complexion'd night, 我又这样去巴结阴暗的夜晚,
  When sparkling stars twire not thou gild'st the even. 说一旦星星消残,你可使夜空光亮。
  But day doth daily draw my sorrows longer 然而白昼却一天天使我忧心加重,
  And night doth nightly make grief's strength seem stronger. 夜晚则一晚晚使我愁思更浓。