
   Those petty wrongs that liberty commits, 你趁我不在你心头的时候,

  When I am sometime absent from thy heart, 便放荡不羁,肆意风流。
  Thy beauty and thy years full well befits, 论青春论美色你二者兼备,
  For still temptation follows where thou art. 行迹所至,总会有诱惑追求。
  Gentle thou art and therefore to be won, 你文雅高贵,当然有人想赢得你芳心;
  Beauteous thou art, therefore to be assailed; 你美色出众,必有人尾随你大献殷勤。
  And when a woman woos, what woman's son Will sourly leave her till she have prevailed? 面对一个女人的勾引,哪一个男子会忍心拒绝不趁机享用桃花运?
  Ay me! but yet thou mightest my seat forbear, 但是唉,求你别把我的位儿占,
  And chide thy beauty and thy straying youth, 求你管住你的美色和浪荡的青春。
  Who lead thee in their riot even there 求你别随心所欲去闯下乱子,
  Where thou art forced to break a twofold truth, 到头来被迫毁掉双重的信誉:
  Hers by thy beauty tempting her to thee, 毁她和你的,因你用美色使她失身:
  Thine, by thy beauty being false to me. 毁你和我的,因你的美色对我不忠实。