
   O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem By that sweet ornament which truth doth give! 假如有真赋予的甜蜜作装潢,美就一定会更加美色无双!

  The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem 娇美的玫瑰之所以使人感到它更美,
  For that sweet odour which doth in it live. 是因为它那甜美的活色生香。
  The canker-blooms have full as deep a dye 野蔷薇花枝招展但没有香味,
  As the perfumed tincture of the roses, 凭色相却可与馥郁的玫瑰争辉。
  Hang on such thorns and play as wantonly When summer's breath their masked buds discloses: 当夏风撩开了它们隐蔽的花蕾,它们绽放枝头,自觉千娇百媚。
  But, for their virtue only is their show, 但它们的德行只是其外表,
  They live unwoo'd and unrespected fade, 开时无人羡其色,谢时无人叹其凋,
  Die to themselves. Sweet roses do not so; 只落得悄然自殒,岂如玫瑰浓馨扬,
  Of their sweet deaths are sweetest odours made: 虽红颜薄命,骨炼也成余香。
  And so of you, beauteous and lovely youth, 你也一样,美丽可爱的“少年人”,
  When that shall fade, my verse distills your truth. 当色去香空,我的诗会提炼出你的纯情。