
   If there be nothing new, but that which is 假如天下无新东西,万古如斯,

  Hath been before, how are our brains beguiled, 那么我们的大脑多么容易痴迷,
  Which, labouring for invention, bear amiss 尽管想发明创造用心良苦,
  The second burden of a former child! 到头来免不了是依样画葫芦。
  O, that record could with a backward look, 啊,但愿有历史记载供我追溯,
  Even of five hundred courses of the sun, 至少五百年前的某一本古书,
  Show me your image in some antique book, 你的形象早已显现在那里。
  Since mind at first in character was done! 自从人的思想开始用文字来记录,
  That I might see what the old world could say 我想看看古人曾用什么妙笔,
  To this composed wonder of your frame; 描摹过你光彩照人的绝世风姿,
  Whether we are mended, or whether better they, 究竟是我们技高还是他们笔拙,
  Or whether revolution be the same. 究竟千古轮回是否毫无新意。
  O, sure I am, the wits of former days 但有一事我敢肯定,前朝的才子,
  To subjects worse have given admiring praise. 曾滥用笔墨赞美过远不如你的主题。