职场英文口语 第228期:指导某人做事(4)(在线收听

   Everyone has to start somewhere Tom! 每个人的起点不同,汤姆!

  Now Anna is helping – or coaching - Denise I'm sure she'll become an excellent worker. 现在安娜帮助或者指导丹尼斯了,我肯定她会成为一个优秀的员工。
  Here are some of the phrases Anna used to help her. 这些是安娜用来帮助她的表达方式。
  Let me show you the ropes.Watch what I do for a while. 让我来指导你。先来看看我是怎么做的。
  Why don't you make a start on this? 你可以先从这里开始吗?
  I'm here to help, so please ask me if you need to know what to do. 我就在这里,如果你有任何不懂的地方,尽管问我。
  Let's find out how Denise is getting on. 让我们看看丹尼斯有什么进展。
  So I said to him, it's just not my colour…yes exactly…hold on Marge, everyone's looking at me. 所以我对他说,这颜色不配你,没错,等等马吉,大家都在看我。
  I'd better call you back. Yes, tonight. Bye! 我最好晚上打给你,再见。
  Hmm, you've certainly got a good phone manner. 你很有电话沟通技巧。
  Do you think you could order some pens now, we've run out. 你可以订一些笔吗?我们用完了。
  That's not my responsibility anymore.Err, I think it is.Isn't!Is.Isn't!You two, please! 这不再是我的职责了。我想是的。不是。是的。不是。你们俩别吵了!
  Well, she's got time for personal calls but not to order pens.Oh hold on…. 她有时间打私人电话,却没空订笔。稍等。
  Oh Hi Jim, how's things? Did you catch the match last night? 吉米,怎么样?昨晚你看比赛了吗?
  What a goal!Really!Oh dear Anna. Things aren't going well. 好球!来真的!亲爱的安娜,事情并不顺利。
  It's time to sort things out again but what are you going to do? 是时候解决问题了,但你要怎么做呢?
  Join us again next time to find out. Bye! 下次和我们一起来看看。再见!