职场英文口语 第230期:优先做某事(2)(在线收听

   That's a good idea Anna.Yeah but…No buts Tom, that's a good solution. 好主意,安娜。是的,但……没有但是,汤姆,这个办法很好。

  Well done Anna… could you draw up a rota so we know who's going to be ordering the pens and when? 做得好,安娜,麻烦你帮我写下轮值表,以便大家清楚自己的订购时间。
  And don't forget to order biscuits too!Phew, I'm glad I got that sorted out.Right, back to work everyone. 别忘了还要订饼干!很高兴问题终于解决了。好了,大家回去工作吧。
  I can't believe I've got to order pens, it's Denise's responsibility… err, are you OK Anna? 简直不敢相信,我还要去订笔,这明明是丹尼斯的责任……安娜,你还好吧?
  No I'm not.I can't draw up a rota, not now.I've got too much to do. 不好!我现在没时间写轮值表。我要做的事太多了。
  Alright don't panic Anna. Just do what I do.What's that? 好吧,别慌,安娜,照我做的就行了。怎么做?
  Nothing! Just do what you can do and then pretend you've forgotten about the other stuff. Easy! 什么都不做!你能做什么就做什么,假装自己忘了其他事情,简单吧?
  Oh dear, Tom's not that professional is he?Not like you Anna. 天啊,汤姆可真不专业,是不是?不像你,安娜。
  You just need to get organised and prioritise.I need to prioritise? 你得好好整理,分清主次。我需要分清主次?