职场英文口语 第232期:优先做某事(4)(在线收听

   Of course Anna.As it's you. If it was Tom asking, I would have said no!What's that Denise? 当然了,安娜。因为是帮你。要是汤姆问的话,我肯定不答应!你说什么,丹尼斯?

  Hey Anna, what are we going to do about the designs for that plastic aubergine? 安娜,我们什么时候讨论塑料茄子的设计?
  Gosh, our new aubergine.Hmm, I'm going to have to put that off until tomorrow I'm afraid. 天啊,我们的新茄子。恐怕得推到明天了。
  Oh right. Why, have you got something more important for us to do together, eh? 好的,怎么,难道你有其他更重要的事要我们一起做吗?
  No Tom. I've just got to prioritise. 没有,汤姆,我只是想分清主次。
  This new order from Nice'n'Cheesy is the most important, so I'm going to concentrate on that first. OK? 美味奶酪店的新订单更重要,所以我要先处理这件事。好吗?
  Oh right, yeah sure.Me and you will have to wait until tomorrow! 好的,当然。咱俩等明天再说吧。
  So… so… how's it going with Dave from Computer Support?Very well thanks Tom. 对了,你和计算机支持的戴夫怎样了?很好,谢了,汤姆。
  Last night he took me somewhere I've never been to before.Really. Nice. 昨晚他带我去了我从没去过的地方。真的,不错。
  Yes, a discount computer shop – he bought me a mini me-pad.Oh. Just a 'mini' one hey. 是的,一家电脑折扣店。他给我买了台迷你pad。不就是迷你的吗。
  Now, if you could take more interest in our Nice'n'Cheesy contract than you do in Dave, it would be a great help. 如果你多关注点与美味奶酪店的合同,而不是戴夫的话,将会很有帮助。
  Oh yeah, sure, of course… nice'n'sleazy, that's a good name for Dave! 可以,当然可以。超级低俗,适合戴夫的好名字。
  Idiot!Getting organised is important when you have a lot to do. 白痴!当有很多事情要做时,组织整理很重要。
  Tell people what you're doing and don't forget to ask for help. 告诉别人你在做什么,不要忘了寻求帮助。