职场英文口语 第235期:预订会场(2)(在线收听

   I mean, you have a difficult job to do - but as Paul says, you can do it. 我是说你的工作很难做。但正如保罗所说,你可以做到的。

  Thanks.Are you OK Anna?You look a bit worried.I am. 谢谢。你还好吗,安娜?你看起来有点焦虑。没错。
  You forgot to tell me about the product launch on Friday and now Paul wants me to organise it. 你忘了告诉我周五产品发布会的事了。现在保罗让我去安排。
  Did I? Oh sorry.Look, if I can help in any way, just let me know. 我有吗?对不起。不过只要我能帮忙,你可以随时叫我。
  Well, you could book a venue for the launch. 那你帮我订个场地吧。
  Ahh yeah… just remembered, I've got some Imperial Lemons I need to send out.Maybe later, yeah? 好,等下,我突然想起来,有些皇家柠檬还没发呢。我稍后帮你吧,行吗?
  How am I going to find a venue for the launch at such short notice? 这么短时间,我可去哪订场地啊?
  You need to ask for recommendations, search on the internet, or look in the phone directory, and then make a call. 你应该征求建议,上网搜索或查看电话薄,然后打电话。
  You need to say "Could I check availability for your venue please?", then ask "What business facilities do you have?" and "How many people can the room or venue hold?" 你要说“请问,您的场地现在可用吗?”“场地有哪些商业设施?”“房间最多可容纳多少人?”