职场英文口语 第236期:预订会场(3)(在线收听

   You could ask "Can you provide hospitality?" – that's things like food and drink. 你还可以问“你们提供接待服务吗?”也就是食物、饮料等东西。

  Finally, don't forget to ask "How much does it cost?"Thanks, there's a lot to ask. 最后,别忘了问“场地多少钱?”谢谢,问题还挺多。
  Hi Denise, I've got to book a venue for our plastic aubergine launch.Have you any ideas? 嗨,丹尼斯,我要预定塑料茄子发布会的场地。你有什么想法吗?
  Well, my friend Marge works for a hotel company that has conference facilities. 我朋友马吉在酒店工作,那里有会议设施。
  You could give her a call.Look, here's her number.Oh, thanks Denise.Let's give it a try… 0–2–0–7–5–6–9–2. 你可以打电话问问她。给,这是她电话。谢了,丹尼斯。我打电话试试。0-2-0-7-5-6-9-2.
  Hello, the Pitz Hotel. Margery speaking.Oh hi, this is Anna from Tip Top Trading, I'm a friend of Denise's. 你好,我是Pitz酒店的玛杰里。你好,我是Tip Top Trading的安娜,丹尼斯的好朋友。
  Oh hi Anna. I've heard all about you.What are you ringing for? 嗨,安娜,我知道你。打电话有事吗?
  I need to check availability for your venue for a product launch we're doing. 我们打算召开产品发布会,想问一下你们的场地是否能用。
  Right! Well, I'm sure I can help.We do have a conference room. When is it for?This Friday. 好的,我肯定能帮忙。我们确实有间会议室。你要什么时候用?本周五。