职场英文口语 第240期:尽快完成任务(1)(在线收听

   It's that time again for English at Work.Life in the offices of Tip Top Trading is still hectic. 又到了职场英语的时间。Tip Top Trading公司办公室里依旧很忙碌。

  There's so much to do and tomorrow the team is launching its new product – the plastic aubergine – so everyone needs to pull their weight and get things done – quickly. 太多事情要做,明天还要推出新产品——塑料茄子。所以大家都应负起责任,快速完成任务。
  The problem is, some people are a bit slow at being quick! 问题是,有些人动作比较慢!
  Could someone answer that please? I'm on the other line. 谁接下电话呢?我正打电话呢。
  Well I can't, I'm already on the phone.Yeah, talking to your friend Marge. 我不行,我也在打电话。没错,和你的朋友马吉讲电话。
  I'm busy… errr… writing a business proposal. 我也忙着写商业企划书呢。
  Could someone just answer that phone… oh, you're all busy. 有人能接下电话吗?你们都很忙。
  I suppose I'd better do it.Hello?Yes?Really!I'm sorry about that. 好吧,还是我来接吧。你好。什么?真的!我很抱歉。
  We'll send someone round right away.Yes, this morning. Bye. 我们会立即派人解决。是的,今天早上,再见。