职场英文口语 第241期:尽快完成任务(2)(在线收听

   Anna, are you free to talk in my office now?Yes Paul.What's wrong? 安娜,现在有空来我办公室谈谈吗?当然,保罗。出什么事了?

  Hold on – I just need a quick bite on a biscuit – that's better.Now, that was Nice'n'Cheesy. 等下,我得赶紧吃口饼干。现在好多了。刚刚是美味奶酪店打的电话。
  They're not happy about how slowly we are processing their order. 他们不满意我们处理订单太慢。
  They need our plastic grapes for an exhibition they're doing at the weekend. 他们周末展览要用我们的塑料葡萄。
  But I thought Tom had sorted that out?Clearly not. 但我想汤姆已经解决了?显然没有。
  I need you to pull out all the stops and sort this out.Pull out what stops? 我要你竭尽全力,把这事解决。拔出什么阻碍?
  I mean do all you can to get this order completed, please. 我的意思是你要尽你所能把订单完成。拜托!
  But we've got the aubergine launch tomorrow. 可我们明天有茄子发布会啊。
  Leave that to me and Denise to organise.It'll be in… safe hands.Hmm, I'm not so sure about that. 交给我和丹尼斯去组织吧。我俩会处理好的。我对此可不敢确定。
  Anyway Anna, your priority now is the order for Nice'n'Cheesy. 总之安娜,你现在的首要任务是处理美味奶酪店的订单。
  You're going to have to tell the team "We have an order we need to process urgently", and "We need to pull out all the stops to get this sorted". 你要告诉大家“我们有项订单急需处理”、“我们要竭尽全力,把这解决”。