老外最常用的英文短语 第792期:try one's best(在线收听

   try one's best 使出全力

  I'm trying my best. You can trust me. 我正在拼尽全力。你可以相信我。
  I will try my luck. 我可以碰碰运气。(不管行不行)
  She went back to the casino to try her luck again. 她回到了赌场,打算再碰碰运气。
  You've trying my patience. 你正在挑战我的耐心。
  My son is not very good at sports. 我儿子不大擅长体育运动。
  Tell him to try his best when he is on a team. 告诉他,在一个团队里要使出自己的全力。