老外最常用的英文短语 第796期:wait a week(在线收听

   wait a week 等待一周的时间

  I can wait a bit longer. 我可以再等一会。
  Just don't wait too long. Okay? 不要等太久,好不好?
  Why did you wait two hours out there? 你干嘛在那里等了两个小时?
  I've been waiting four hours for you to show up. 我一直等你出现,足足等了四个小时。
  I waited too long to drink my coffee. 我等太久了,咖啡都冷得不能喝了。
  Is it cold? Maybe we should order another one. 凉了吗?要不我们再点一杯吧。