旅游口语情景对话 第252天:如何询问价格(在线收听

   How much does this necklace cost? 这条项链多少钱?

  I want to buy a necklace for my girlfriend. 我想给我女朋友买一条项链。
  Which one do you like? 你想要哪一条?
  Please show me that one. How much does it cost? 请给我拿那条。多少钱?
  It costs 400 dollars. 400美元。
  How much in all, please? 请问总共多少钱?
  Please show me some notebooks and a pen. 请给我拿些笔记本和一支钢笔。
  Here you are, Anything else? 给您,还需要其他的吗?
  No, tkank you. How much in all, please? 没有了,谢谢。请问总共多少钱?
  That will be 3.5 dollars. 共3.5美元。